Sympathizers or Christians?
- Autor ks. Franciszek Blachnicki
- Rok wydania 2025
- Stron 118
- Oprawa Miękka
- Miejsce wydania Kraków
- Wydawnictwo Wydawnictwo Światło-Życie
- Tłumaczenie Agata Jankowiak
Nowadays, because of the general crisis of faith, secularization of life, and the enormous influence of secular culture, there is a need for some kind of additional catechumenate. At present, the most efficient form of the catechumenate is offered by various renewal movements in the Church... The Holy Spirit calls them into existence today because he wants to revive the Church. He bestows adequate charisms upon various people in order to instill these renewal movements in the Church because in them various elements of the catechumenate are realized intensively.
Fr. Frnciszek Blachnicki
The present publication has been based on Fr. Francis Blachnicki’s presentations during the first School for Animators of the Light-Life Movement, which he organized together with his collaborators and which he conducted in the International Evangelization Center “Light-Life” in Carlsberg, Germany.
Sympatycy czy chrześcijanie?